Return of the 'pack'

  • Animals New Arrivals

Woburn Safari Park is delighted to announce the return of a much-loved species - the bush dog!

Two new bush dogs at Woburn Safari Park

After the sad loss of Scrappy Dappy Doo and Dante  last year, the Park has two very welcome new arrivals.

A new female and male bush dog arrived from France, making this an exciting  milestone as it is Woburn’s first international move in five years.

The pair came from different parts of France – the female from Thoiry and the male from Amiens. To ensure a smooth introduction, keepers are following a careful, step-by-step process. Initially, the bush dogs are introduced through a secure mesh barrier, allowing them to become familiar with each other’s scent and presence in a safe and controlled manner. They take turns exploring the outdoor section of their enclosure, giving them the opportunity to pick up on each other's scent before progressing to full contact.

This gradual approach helps to ensure a positive and stress-free introduction for both animals.

Catherine Doherty, Head of Section, Animal Encounters said  “We are so excited to welcome back this iconic species into the Foot Safari here at Woburn Safari Park. Bush dogs are the world’s smallest pack hunting wild dogs! They are also really unusual as they have webbed feet so are really good swimmers and we can’t wait to see them exploring their habitat and see them spending time in the water playing.

This new breeding pair of bush dogs are extremely important and have been specially selected by the European studbook holder for Bush Dogs due to our proven track record of exemplary animal husbandry with this species previously.”

The new duo are settling into Cachorro Range- a specially designed enclosure for this small canine species. 

Bush dogs are a highly social species and are known for their distinctive high-pitched calls - so be sure to stop by and listen out for their chatter.

Female bushdog outside

Bush dogs are currently classified as Near Threatened due to habitat loss and the decline of prey species. Woburn Safari Park is committed to the conservation of endangered animals, and the arrival of this new pair marks an exciting opportunity to contribute to the future of this remarkable species - with hopes of welcoming bush dog pups in the future!