Play time on World Primate Day

We all know that monkeys are well known for their playful antics, and the Barbary macaque troop at Woburn Safari Park is no exception.

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The playful primates enjoy an exciting array of enrichment

The troop lives outside all year and can often be seen climbing and roosting in the many trees in their enclosure, foraging in log piles, and, of course, playing with the many enrichment items that keepers provide them with.

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From slides and ropes to the most recent additions of swings, rope ladders, and tyres, which they were all keen to investigate, the monkeys have plenty to keep them occupied. 

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Enrichment is an important aspect of the daily lives of all of the animals at the Park as these activities and items encourage them to engage their natural behaviours, whilst also helping to keep them mentally stimulated and physically active.

Book your tickets to Woburn Safari Park

Book your ticket online now and come to see the playful troop in their home in the Road Safari!