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Come and meet Peter Rabbit™ on 21st April!

Hop on over to Woburn Safari Park on Monday 21st April and you could be meeting a very special guest - Peter Rabbit™ will be appearing at intervals to meet his littlest fans throughout the day!

Go on a fantastic safari adventure and see some of your favourite wild animals in the Road Safari before heading down to the Safari Hangout in the Foot Safari to meet Peter Rabbit™.

Peter Rabbit™ will be appearing at 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm – don’t forget to bring your cameras!

Booking your event tickets

You can see Peter Rabbit™ at no extra cost to your standard admission - book your event ticket online now. You can enjoy all the usual fun at Woburn Safari Park and will also be given a flyer with details of how to join the priority queue at a time slot to meet Peter Rabbit™.

If you are an Annual Pass Holder please call the Admissions team on 01525 290407 or email to be added to the Priority Queue List but please arrive early on the day to avoid disappointment.

Standard Admission ticket holders have the opportunity to see Peter Rabbit™, by joining a queue on a first-come-first-served basis. Standard admission tickets are also available at the gate. 

BOOK now

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