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Giant Spiny Stick Insect 

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The Giant Spiny Stick insect also known as the New Guinea spiny stick insect is a large species of stick insect from New Guinea. Unlike many stick insects, this specific one looks more like a branch due to it's big and bulky build. They are dark brown in colour and can appear quite glossy. 

The stick insect is located in the 'Reptile Ranch' in the Foot Safari 

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All about us

Distribution: New Guinea
Habitat: Rainforests
Height: 10.5cm to 15cm long
Weight: Around 20g
Lifespan: 2 years
Threats: Deforestation and habitat destruction

About us

Scientific name: Eurycantha calcarata

Stick insects are nocturnal and can be found motionless on their food plants, only once dark they will become more active.

This species of stick insect appears to be alot bigger and bulky compared to others, appearing more similar to a branches, they are dark brown in colour and can appear quite glossy. This stick insect appears to look 'spikey' and the males have a large spike on their rear legs. 

In the wild this species is found living in trees and shrubs in the rain forest and during the day willo often be hiding/sleeping beneath bark and leaf matter. 

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