Meet Pepe
Pepe is a Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo which are native to Australia; he is by far our cheekiest bird.
You can find Pepe at Birds in Action in the Foot Safari.
About Pepe
Pepe became a beloved resident of Woburn Safari Park in 1996 and has made a huge impression on everyone with his big personality. Pepe has been trained a number of behaviours including opening his beak, presenting his feet and opening his wings all essential for daily health checks.
Pepe has training sessions throughout the day; keepers use positive reinforcement to train the parrots, which means that they reward good behaviour with praise or treats. When Pepe isn’t being trained, he enjoys acting like a teenager – in his habitat is full of enrichment, and is located behind the Birds in Action arena.
Pepe enjoys his training sessions with this trainers, he is taught a series of behaviours that mimic behaviours used in the wild. Such as balance and flying.
Pepe and his trainers like to show how these bright white parrots survive predators, how they adapt to feeding with their strong beak and how they move around in the trees or on the ground with their specially-adapted feet.

Birds in Action is home to Blue and Gold Macaw, Military Macaw, Greenwinged Macaw, Greater Cockatoo and Lesser Cockatoo.