Vera the Amur tiger drinks from pond as it shows her reflection

Fundraising for the WildCats Conservation Alliance

The WildCats Conservation Alliance

WildCats Conservation Alliance’s mission is to save wild tigers & Amur leopards for future generations by funding carefully chosen conservation projects with clear outcomes, measurable impact, and effective monitoring and evaluation

Side profile of tiger against blurry background of bushes and reeds


Amur Tiger captive populations are managed by a European Endangered Species Programme, which is vital for the future protection of a given species.

Each programme is managed by a coordinator, who handles the database of animals kept in accredited European zoos; collecting and analysing information on all the individuals in captivity and monitoring the status of animals.

The coordinator also manages a species European Studbook (ESB), carrying out demographic and genetic analyses and producing a plan for the future management of the species.

It is the coordinator who will recommend which animals should or shouldn't breed, and which animals should be moved amongst wildlife collections to achieve the greatest genetic diversity within the species.


Currently, there are 247 Amur Tigers in 90 EAZA collections. Woburn Safari Park is home to two majestic Amur tigers which can be found in their large enclosure in the Road Safari.

In September 2015, Woburn was delighted to announce the arrival of two female cubs - the first at the park in 23 years. Both Mishka and Milashki have now moved on to new collections, where it is hoped that they will also become mothers to their own cubs, to help further safeguard the future of their species. Woburn Safari Park remains home to their parents, Elton and Minevra, and hopes to welcome the arrival of more Amur tiger cubs in the future.

Using genetics to pair up individuals ensures that the gene pool remains as diverse as possible further strengthening the future of the species. Captive populations are incredibly important for endangered species as numbers in the wild can decline rapidly due to many threats such as deforestation, conflicts with farmers/livestock, poaching, and the traditional medicine market. By having healthy viable breeding populations within captivity the future of the species as a whole is greatly improved.

Tiger looks into camera with mouth slightly open against blurred colourful backround


Since 2014, Woburn Safari Park has run an annual charity event to raise funds for Wildcats Conservation Alliance. The carnivore team here at Woburn picked Wildcats Conservation Alliance as they felt that it is a charity doing invaluable work to safeguard the future of both Amur tigers and leopards in their wild habitat.

In the past five years, Woburn Safari Park's team of carnivore keepers have raised over £10,000 for wild tiger conservation charities and the team aims to build on this success in the future.