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Carbon Footprint Donation

Balance your Carbon 'Paw-Print' today and donate towards planting a tree!

The wild is closer than you think! Enjoying your safari trip from the safety of your vehicle means that you are fully immersed in the animal’s environment, sometimes only a car window away!

Woburn are committed to a sustainable future and we are now offering the opportunity to balance the carbon output of visiting vehicles, with a new and exciting local partnership.

Woburn have linked with the Forest of Marston Vale, whose aim is to plant 5 MILLION trees in local communities.

You'll be prompted to make a donation to this brilliant charity, when you buy a ticket online.

How it works

A tree will balance 25kg of carbon dioxide per year over a lifetime (1).

An average visit to Woburn Safari Park will produce 2.49kg of CO2(2)  for two circuits of the Road Safari. Due to our new links with The Forest of Marston Vale we are able to purchase trees at a reduced cost of £10 in order for Woburn visitors to have maximum impact. This means that a donation of only £1 will balance your Carbon Footprint whilst you enter the home of lions, tigers and bears.  

Donations are made in increments of £1.00 and we have left the donation amount open to you, so you can decide how best to balance your tracks…

  • £1 – Be a Magnificent Monkey - cover the average, two circuits of the drive-through.
  • £2 – Be a Terrific Tiger - be stripes ahead and double your donation!
  • £10 – Be a Generous Giraffe - stand tall and plant a whole tree!

Keep an eye on our social media pages for updates on this new partnership.

For more information on the benefits of tree planting please visit: Forest of Marston Vale - Trees Make Life Better

(1) How much CO2 does a tree absorb? Let’s get carbon curious! (

(2) LNER Carbon Calculator 

Meerkat pup stands on his hind legs and rests his arms on another meerkat pup crouched below him in the sand and reeds

Woburn Safari Park Opening times

Check out the safari park opening times and plan your next great animal day out!

Tiger walks on the grass towards camera, her mouth slightly open and teeth showing

Find usDirections

Woburn Safari Park is within easy reach, located only an hour's drive from Cambridge, London and Oxford and just off Junction 13 of the M1.

Elephant faces camera holding a tuft of grass in her trunk with an autumn forest in the background

Woburn Safari Park Safari Tickets